Who We are
Why We Exist
To impact our communities with the Father's love and raise up a body of believers committed in relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.
Our Values
We value Joy
Joy in serving, Joy in celebrating, Joy in reaching out
We are Joyful
"The joy of the Lord is my strength" from Nehemiah 8:10
Everyone Matters
We value Everyone
We know that God values Everyone
Everyone matters here – all the time
We value Integrity
God calls us to a life of Integrity
Jesus tells us to let our ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ be ‘no’
We work hard, do our best, and make mistakes
We don’t need to hide our faults, we are all sinners in need of God’s grace every day of our lives
We live with Integrity
We value generosity. We can’t outgive God, but let’s try!
God is so generous to us. God’s generosity can be seen all around us. He’s generous to give us life, to give us a beautiful place to live and work, and to give us a community to share our lives with. He even generously provides for our eternity.
John 3:16 tells us about God’s greatest act of generosity; because of His love for us, He gave us His only son to provide eternal life for us. The result of God’s generosity toward us is our desire to be generous to others to see a need, and do our best to generously meet a need.
What We Believe
This is how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, man, and many significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, our beliefs guide our decisions as a church.Our Leadership

Mike & Kathy Mavity
PastorsMike and Kathy are Joy Church’s founding pastors, and they love the calling God has given them. As co-pastors, they combine their individual gifts together to form a great leadership team. They love to have fun and strongly believe the church can be a fun place to become a disciple of Jesus. Their passion for life, for each other, and for Joy Church help make it the most joyful place in town.
Kathy had a successful career in the life insurance and annuity business working as a Business Analyst for 30 years. Her analytical skills, kind spirit, caring heart, and love of people help make Joy Church such a welcoming place.
Mike had a successful career in the IT industry for many years before pastoring. He has a BS degree in Organizational Management and an MBA with a concentration in leadership. His passion to raise up leaders and his love for people are also part of the secret sauce that makes Joy Church a great place to grow closer to Jesus.
In your first visit to Joy Church, you will readily see their passion for the church and their love for others. They would love to meet you!
Mike and Kathy believe in TEAM leadership. This is evident in the team they are together and also the leadership team they have developed, and continue to rely on and pour into. Joy Church is who it is because of great people working together who love Jesus and love others.
At Joy Church we love you and there is nothing you can do about it! We believe the very best is yet to come!

Allen & kelley Gaskin
Next Gen & Elders
Jocelyn Perez
Worship Director
Courtnie Clark
Youth Director & Church Council
Darlene Batza
Office Administrator
Bob & Mary Beth Magan
Eric & Kim Gustafson
Dave Epstein
church Council
Martin Wendt
church Council
Eric Gustafson
church Council
Paul Rivard
Church CouncilWe're part of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel movement

As a denomination, The Foursquare Church has a unique history that stems from missions and evangelism. It began as a powerful evangelistic movement and spread throughout the nations to become the global family it is today.
Foursquare began in 1923, when our founder, Aimee Semple McPherson, opened the first Foursquare church in Los Angeles. Today, Foursquare has over 8.8 million members in over 90,000 churches across 146 nations.
With a desire for global missions and evangelism, and motivated by the Great Commission to make disciples around the world, Foursquare empowers every believer to expand God's kingdom. To achieve continual, Christ-centered growth, Foursquare partners with churches around the world through leadership development, church multiplication, and church health strategies.
As a movement, Foursquare recognizes that things change: society, culture, and contexts. Foursquare is committed to be in continual motion and relationship ministry, ready to go wherever God is leading. While Foursquare has a flexible and adaptable approach of ministry, the message is sacred. "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." His gospel never changes; it's goodness never diminishes. We may go to many places. We may not all look the same. But our message stays true to God's word.
Gathering TimeS
We can't wait to meet you!Sunday Celebration
Sundays @ 9:30amIntegrity Youth (Grades 6-12)
Fridays 6:45-8:30pmLadies Coffee and Prayer
Tuesdays @ 10:30am - NoonMen's Bible Study
Fridays @ 10amContact Information
Want to chat? Get in Touch!info@joychurchnh.com
(603) 755-6357
55 Barnstead Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263